A Rose by Any Other Name…Roseola

Eva Alessia, D.O.

Eva Alessia, D.O.

Kids get rashes all the time. Some rashes can be tricky to figure out; some are straightforward. Roseola is one of those rashes.

Roseola is caused by a virus. It generally happens in children less than two years of age, but the range is six months to three years of age. The child has a fever for three to five days. After the fever breaks (which happens rapidly), the rash appears within 24 hours.

The rash is pink in color, consisting of flat or bumpy lesions, mainly on the chest, stomach and back. During the fever, the child is acting fine and besides possibly having “puffy/swollen” eyes, is otherwise not sick in any other way.Roseola-500x375

The rash lasts about one to two days. It is contagious until the rash is gone. Most older children and adults are immune.

Learn more about Roseola at http://kidshealth.org.